Seasons |Grand Rapids Newborn Photography| Terri Gillis Photography

After a MUCH needed 2 weeks off what was supposed to by my last post of the 2012 is now my first post of the 2013.   It’s a different season here now despite the Christmas tree in my living room or the wall calendar that says December on it.  I’m tying up lose ends, planning (dreaming) about new things for the New year, taxes, paperwork, filing, reorganizing….. It’s literally all “business” and very little photography .  Every year I pull out my  microscope and examine the previous season, what I loved, what I didn’t….where can I improve, how can we grow this?? (I torture myself every winter with so many questions!!)   I’m not good at not being busy.  I worry; I reflect.  I have new ideas some that I put into motion and some that sit and wait. Timing is everything, right?  I feel thankful that business grows and continues to thrive.   I consider trying to identify a “niche”.  Should I  narrow it down to  a couple of types of photography that I enjoy the most?  I’m envious of other photographers who just  know that one thing  they’re supposed to do and do it with all their heart.   So as I reflect on all the years and all the sessions I had a revelation, a fresh new reminder right  in front of me.  His name is Titus.  I see him, I hold him and it becomes clear to me.   My “niche” isn’t about one specific thing, it’s about the seasons…. of LIFE  (Hooray!!! She’s had a breakthrough!). I look at him and realize that had I missed just one of these seasons it would have been the same as just skipping a chapter in a story.

You may have seen them before…. I did an engagement session with Mark and Sarah on seriously the COLDEST day I’ve ever worked outside.  (I have a new rule, no outdoor sessions if it’s below 20 degrees….Brrrrrrrr….).  Their wedding comes on a March day that is 60 degrees, humid and the trees are all in full out bloom…. I spend the day absolutely amazed (and warm).  They notify me shortly after their wedding that a baby is on the way and we plan a maternity session for a beautiful fall day…. It’s 80 degrees, in October.  (We nearly sweat to death but they appear cool and comfortable in their sweaters).  Titus makes his arrival, just in time for Christmas.  When we meet again it’s snowy, it’s December 30th and another season is upon us.  A year ago they were a couple planning the wedding of their dreams; they’ve transitioned so nicely from newlyweds to a sweet little family.  Enjoy this little re-cap of some of my favorites of them from the year.

No big changes on the horizon for me.  I’m just here doing the daily duties that come with owning a business.  I’m more content than ever though and looking forward to the next chapter, the next age, the next stage…. enjoying every season for what it brings.

Happy New year!!

Seeking Peace | Terri Gillis Photography 2012

You can’t even try to makes sense of yesterday’s senseless tragedy so don’t even bother.  I woke up this morning, saw a little more news about it and immediately felt disgusted, angry, bitter.  Conversations with my kids last night and I heard in their voices how they wish that he were alive to face his punishment and they also turned to their inner emotions…. disgust, anger, bitterness….blurting out how they would “settle” things with him.  And I stopped them.  Will that make it better?!? NO!  It  won’t.  There is nothing that could happened to ease the pain of the families of those victims.  I believe that somewhere there is someone who loved that young man.  Someone who held out hope for him.   Somewhere there is someone who might even be ashamed to admit that they loved him.

I know that God will be glorified through this, someway, somehow.   I’ve read things like… “Where was God?”….. Listen people…Our Lord saves!! I believe that in a blink of an eye those children went from this earth into HIS arms.  I am grateful for that reality!    He knows how many days there are for each of us, he knows our story.  It’s not about us!!  We are all eternal beings!!  I pray that you know him as your Lord and Savior because I believe   1Corinthians2:9 when it says…”No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”.   Heaven is for real!  This is the only hope I have and I cling to it with all that I have. Our response is the ONLY thing that matters….. Look how we are responding?!?!?

I don’t live in Connecticut.  I don’t personally know any of those families and I won’t’ even pretend to imagine their devastation.  I can’t console one of them, prepare a meal, send a card.  Satan must love the way he has this world stirred up, anger & rage everywhere.  Satan come s to seeks steal, kill and destroy anything that is good…. Wouldn’t he just love it if we all just sat on this, went round and round and  fought about how we could remove evil from a world but were so caught up in our bitterness that we couldn’t even take a step forward??  Let’s not do that!!  (insert collective deep breath here)

Let us not spend another moment focusing on how those children died, but let it be revealed how they lived and who they loved. They were here for a reason, let it be known!  Let’s put away our anger and step out to love someone, serve someone, be aware of who/where we can make a difference.  Let our love for God, the peace we have with Him be evident  in everything we do.  Let us be overwhelmed with a spirit of thankfulness, for what we have and what we don’t.  Let us be cheerful givers of our resources, our time, our love, our attention. ” Jesus He came not to a throne,  but to a manger. He lived not as a king, but as a servant.He chose not a kingdom, but a cross. He gave not just a little,  but everything” -Holly Gerth…..  Spread the gospel everywhere you go, use words if necessary!!!

When this was all happening yesterday, I was in the studio with a family I’ve really grown to love, I admit that when I opened these images this morning  I wasn’t in the mood to work, but  then I came across this….so sweet, so peaceful and I am reminded a family is celebrating a new life.  4 days old and he already has a position in life… He is a son, a grandson, a nephew, a brother, a friend.  He is loved.

Let’s put down our anger and step away from it. If we are going to dwell on anything let it be …. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable…… and God WILL give us peace and life and hope.

If you don’t know Him …. Start HERE.…. and let me know so that I can pray for you.  XO!

Jason & Elena | Holland Michigan Wedding Photographer

A sweet ceremony, a sprinkle of rain, an abundance of joy;  this wonderful celebration was enjoyed by family and friends who came from near and far to celebrate as these two tied the knot.

Желаю вам обоим море счастья (Congratulations. Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world!)

The 411:

-Wedding Gown – Vera Wang

-Wedding Cake – Made by a friend of the bride.  Can I just say that I love that fountain underneath, so adorable! (I had a fountain in my own wedding cake!)  Absolutely delicious!

-Catering by Consider it Done ; fantastic.

Venue – Camp Blodgett is really such a beautiful setting

-Flowers – Eastern Floral of Grand Haven

Remembering 9/11

Dennis & Jessica| Grand Rapids Wedding Photography

As I continue to dig out I just finished editing  the photos from Dennis & Jessica’s beautiful wedding.

Has anyone besides me caught Pinterest like a virus?? Seriously, so many beautiful little details just sprinkled perfectly here and it’s a good thing that Etsy didn’t exist during my crazy (pre-children) crafting days or my kids would have had to raise themselves.

Wire hangers – Who thinks of this stuff?!? So amazing.  I’ve been married 20 years but I want one that says “Mrs. Gillis” on it.  I have no idea what I will hang on it but I need one of these.

-So they didn’t see each other before the wedding but we did have them each stand on the side of a door (without peaking) and got a few photos.  I hope you don’t get sick of this because I’ll be doing this all the time!  The best part is that you don’t even have to ask them to smile – they can’t help it!!  (Insert my own smile here)

– Adorable little “vows” in frames down the aisle.

– Cupcakes…. they just speak for themselves, they were as delicious as they look.  The mother of the bride made the cupcake tree.  So pretty!

Watermark Country Club, fabulous as always.

-My FAVORITE DJ – Rick Reuther’s Music Host Entertainment – All the couples got a chance to slow dance thanks to this DJ who believes that weddings are a “romantic” occasion and not another night at the night club.  They are really the best!

-Combine a the little details,  add a bride and groom, a kiss for luck and it’s the beginning of a very sweet life.
