Happy Monday!

Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE Mondays?  Today is the first day of summer vacation and my children are being unusually cooperative.  I don’t think they’ve reset their summer vacation switches which works for me because it’s been a dig out day in my office.  I’m thankful for the clouds out my window because if the sun was calling my name I would have to put the shovel down and run for the sun.  The summer season is really winding up with tons of  sessions on my schedule, many families that I work with year after year and a few new faces coming my way.  My variety of spots seem to be a little wider than normal which is nice to mix it up a little but I do have my favorite, tried and true, spots.    I took this family downtown Rockford which is really becoming the hot-spot for a lot of photographers and it’s no wonder because the area is so lush and beautiful right now and there are endless spots to work and create beautiful photographs.  Take all of that and add in a cute family and a little girls in a cute colorful outfits and suddenly we’re creating something beautiful and fun that you’ll love forever.

How can you visit Rockford and not get ice cream? I frequent both Rocky’s and Custard by the Dam since I have fav’s at both but I am always amazed that children will always select Supeman or Rainbow sherbet, it must be some unspoken rule among children that ice cream is only worthy if it’s wonderfully colored.  Do you ever hear a young child order plain chocolate ?  Why don’t children willingly sample brown food? At what age do we truly discover the magnificence of chocolate?….and how come they never offer adults those little candy eyes for their ice cream? So many questions that I’m pondering today….which gives me an idea. The wheels just never stop spinning.   Happy Monday!

Ava Jade…

My niece Ava is 5 years old, funny, sweet and just did the most thoughtful thing.  She recently saw a show highlighting Locks of Love ,an organization that makes wigs out of real, donated hair, for children/teens who have lost their hair, and Ava boldly realized that she need to donate her hair.  Her hair went clear to her waste!  When I saw her with this cute little bob, a result of of her selflessness, I was so glad that I just happened to have my camera in the car.   Women don’t easily part with their hair but Ava put someone else’s needs and comfort ahead of her own.  Way to go girl, you’re more beautiful than ever, I love you and I’m so proud of you for the blessing that you most certainly are.

P.S.  My Jenna and my nephew Josiah couldn’t wait for an opportunity to have a photo with Ava, and how could I not put in a photo of Connor and Josiah at the hoop?  🙂

Dawson – 3 months

I love taking photos of my nieces and nephews and I get started with them out of the gate. When I show up with a camera the mood changes and becomes very serious because they know there is a job to be done. (If only my own sons could be so accommodating.)  I took these photos of my little nephew Dawson a few weeks ago and in the craziness of life I JUST got to editing them today.  Isn’t he darling? I’m going to just hold on to these and when he’s 18 I’ll photoshop his face right over this first one and it can be his senior picture.   I can never get over how much a baby can grow and change in just 3 months.  He has the sweetest little personality and is so cuddly and gorgeous.  This is some serious competition for JoT. 😉

Baby Sister….

I recently heard Beth Moore speak and she described herself as someone who gets “drunk on babies”.  It was such a light bulb moment for me because that is EXACTLY how I would describe myself.  I LOVE infants!!!   Between Steve’s family and mine we have had a “baby” for 16 years non-stop.  We have a ton of nieces and nephews and I just got my baby “fix” last weekend (and again on Tuesday) with my littlest nephew Dawson.  He’s so sweet I just can’t stand it!  I’m a baby hog in our family and I seriously keep track of when it’s my turn to hold the baby again.  With all of that I have just one more reason to be thankful for my job….being around newborns is just awesome.  I love babies, love to look at babies, love to cuddle them and pose them.  It’s intoxicating to me!

Meet Macy!  Isn’t she the most darling little thing you’ve ever seen? I seriously could not stop staring at this child, she is so gorgeous!   If I had to have a “best” friend in my photography business it would, hands down, be Macy’s big sister Ella.  She’s so cute, loves to have her picture taken and does so without complaint.  She’s amazing and I could brag about her all day.  Seeing her with her new sister was so sweet.  Ella had no qualms about holding Macy, shifting her around, or sharing her favorite blanket with her.   I didn’t even have to ask Ella to smile when she looked at Macy. Once Ella and Macy were positioned the way I wanted them Ella looked down at and lit up at the sight of Macy’s face. It was so sweet.  She naturally pulled her up and kissed her. As you can see from the pictures, Ella loves her baby sister.  Thanks Mike and Jessica for entrusting me with the special moments in your life.  It seems like just yesterday I followed you down the aisle with my camera.

Matt + Nikki

The summer weather appears to be here to stay and the last day of school is quickly approaching.  This means my house is soon going to be a little messier and a little louder, long gone will be schedules and bed times.  No more spelling lists, math quizzes, projects or homework.  We’ll be trading all of that in for late nights and sleeping in(not me but the kids for sure), sunscreen, ice cream, camp fires, beach days, bike rides and wherever else the summer sun takes us.  I love summer!

Launching into summer also means saying goodbye to some friends.. The kids manage to keep up but I always feel sad on that last day when I say goodbye to the teachers.  I absolutely love my kids school and their teachers.  I trust them and depend on them and they never let me down.  So with the end of the year, how do you say “Thank You” to the people that have spent 9 months expanding your child not only in their education but as an individual? I offered photos…..

Nikki has been in our life for 2 years.  Connor had her for 3rd grade, we’ve had 2 summers of tennis lessons with her and Jenna is just finishing up 3rd grade with her.  Last fall Jenna said “I love Miss Nachtegall.  I know she’s my teacher but she’s also my friend.”   Nikki is patient and encouraging, she loves tennis, volleyball, her dog Miles and this man in her life…Matt.  They got engaged last winter and it was a party on faceboook when she announced it.   Nikki has an aunt who is a wonderful photographer so I knew that I would not be covering their wedding but I still wanted to do a session with them and was excited when they took me up on it.  I had not met Matt before but have heard all about him through Jenna.  You can only imagine how 3rd grade girls get wound up about their teacher getting married…..Matt has to prove himself as Prince Charming to those girls or else!   After the session Jenna was all over me, begging me to hand over the camera so that she could see the images but I made her wait.  When I let her finally peak at them on my computer she was completely focused on Matt, the photos of them together, laughing, wondering when and why he shaved his head……after viewing them she seemed satisfied.  I think my daughter believes in the fact that photos don’t lie, she was looking for the love, respect, joy, peace & patience that must be there to marry someone, and I think she saw it.  “They’re really happy together aren’t they Mom?”…. “Yes, Jenna, they’re really happy together, isn’t that the best??!!”.   Nikki, we love you and wish you all the best! You are going to LOVE being married!