Kailee & Ross| Spring Lake Michigan Wedding| Terri Gillis Photography.com

This was seriously an amazing wedding to photograph.  The family was as nice as they come, everyone in the mood to celebrate and  even the sun had to shine in spite of a less than favorable forecast….. pure Michigan.

Ross and Kailee chose to have their photos taken after their wedding but I couldn’t resist offering them the opportunity to be photographed together without actually seeing eachother…..SO. ADORABLE.  It’s such a sweet moment!!  Every couple is the same…. a bride so worried he might peek and both are almost at a loss of words and yet always ask eachother the same thing…… “Are you ready?”  and it just makes me laugh because as you can see by the photo they have both CLEARLY spent some time getting ready for this day they’ve only dreamed of until now.  I’ll let the photos tell the rest of the story….

I loved this weddding….. Life. Is. Good.

Shout out to the amazing Shelly Johnson, her floral design is always gorgeous and to Holiday Inn staff in Spring lake, they did a fabulous job.

What to bring to your Child’s photo session| Terri Gillis Photography

This is Clara’s 3rd Session as part of her set of photos for her First Year. She is FULL of life, energy and just a little doll. She’s so much fun!

The great thing about this session is her Mom put thought not just into her outfit but to spice it up she brought along little hats, bathing suits and the things her girl loves most. Clara is at an age (8 Months) where she wants to have something in her hands all the time. I can pull out my bells and rattles but NOTHING evoked the response we got when we pulled out her lambi…. her Sophie (apparently the worlds most expensive infant teething toy)…. or…. best of all…..her beloved potatoe masher! Who knew a potatoe masher could be so amazing?!?

You want your photos to not only convey the look of your child but also t their personality drawn out as well. Bring their beloved toys!! Even if it’s a potatoe masher!!!

Scott & Spenser | West Michigan Wedding Photography

Nice family, gorgeous day, wonderful celebration.  What’s left to wish for?

So fun to participate in this special day – Best wishes for the newlyweds!!!

Watch Me Grow Program 2013 | Terri Gillis Photography

Class of 2013! | Terri Gillis Photography 2013

I have to take a minute to give a shout out to the Class of 2013! With most of you I only get a couple of hours; a tiny glimpse of the beautiful person who you are.  I enjoyed every minute of it.

In the days ahead you will be pressed on all sides “What do you want to do?” instead you should consider this…………………………….

WHO do you want to be?  …… and be the best version of that person possible. This is what defines success.

“You’re off to GREAT Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So… get on your way!”

I wish you all the best!!  <3 Terri   🙂