Taylor {West Michigan High School Senior Photographer}

It doesn’t happen very often that I get to do a High School Senior session in February.  I usually spend these winter months preparing for the summer months & working on what I have coming down the line . When an opportunity for me to get away from my desk comes along I’m usually dying to take it.  Taylor deserves a major award for being such a great sport. We were zipped clear up to our chins in winter coats while Taylor was donning an adorable sundress. It was a frigid 41 degrees and incredibly windy but the sunshine was so beautiful that we had to go for it.   At times we had to shield her from the wind, worked around the leftover piles of snow (aka snirt),  & we went through plenty of hairspray but we had a ton of fun in the short amount of time we were together.   The session was a fresh reminder to me of how close the “senior” season will be upon us and I just can’t wait!  I have a list 30 deep for 2012 seniors! Are you on it?

Thank you Taylor for a wonderful session, you were fabulous and I loved working with you!!

Forest Hills Sweetheart Swirl 2011 {Grand Rapids Event Photographer}

This is my favorite event of the year and it comes along with a ton of work so let me start by saying that I appreciate your patience as this post is long overdue. I participate in this event because it is the sweetest thing ever.  I think every single girl their believed she was the most special girl in the world that night…and each of them certainly were.

Forest Hills Public Schools put on what I have to believe is the nicest dance in the area.  I’ve had the privilege of photographing this event (with a magnificent team by my side) for the past 4 years and every year it gets better and better.   Splashes of color everywhere, a fabulous red carpet for the girls as they make their grand entrance, vases of roses on every table, and a beautiful spread of food from D&W that certainly was “extraordinary”.  O’Grady orthodontics describe  themselves as “building smiles” and that’s exactly what this event does and it’s so fitting for them to be one of the sponsors.  Scott Ptak is the amazing DJ for this event and that dance floor is packed every second of the night.It was so great to see so many familiar faces, 4 girls that I had done their newborn photos, one Dad who’s wedding I shot 9 years ago, 2 flower girls who were in weddings from last year and several families that I’ve done portrait sessions for. It was  like a mid-winter reunion!! I had a few girls & their Dads stop to say that it was their last year, they were outgrowing the Daddy-Daughter dance (I refrained from crying) and I also met some new little friends that I hope to see again next year.  Here is a small handful of images from this delightful event. Thanks to everyone who stopped by our cameras but most of all thanks for bringing your girl to an event that she will never forget. Your time and attention are the most valuable things you have to offer her.


Kellie + James {Engaged}

They met while picking out Christmas trees with mutual friends.  After his first conversation with her he told his friends “I would never date a girl like that, I’ve never known anyone to have so many things going on & it made his head spin.” She cooks, sews, owns her own place, has a great job but is continuing her education, scrapbooks, works out, is involved in a love affair with a bird named “Oliver” and has an intense variety of interests. Then he learned she also has her own dirt bike and all bets were off after that.  He is an active person after all and didn’t realize that when he would meet his match it would mean that he would literally meet his match in life. …….She hesitated at first and tried to fix him up with some friends and rationalized that he was a little younger, he was back in college and honestly, she just wasn’t in the market for a relationship. But sometimes isn’t that how life works and Superman shows up when you least expect him?   Together they encourage each other, pursue an active life, they laugh A LOT, make the rounds to visit their families, ride dirt bikes, snow board,  run marathons, go back and forth on whether or not their vegetarians (their love for steak interferes with that decision) and look forward to traveling after James graduates this year. I’m pretty sure James also gets into crafts and scrap booking but won’t comment.  His Christmas proposal was unexpected, a whirlwind……why did he get me a jewelry box for Christmas (I asked for a red coat?), why is he getting down on one knee with all of these people around us?? (OH MY GOODNESS, IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING??)….here it comes…..and she said  “YES!”.  Good news, true love is still alive and well and a new life is about to begin…August 6, 2011!

A heart of Gratitude….

I just took my Christmas tree down last week so I think I’m safe to go ahead and move into 2011 with a “heart-y” farewell to 2010.  I’m making reflections, planning for 2011 and am in the very beginning stages of making some big (exciting) changes with my #1 resolution being all about balance.  I’m moving into 2011 with my heart in full focus on the 3 most important things in my life….my relationship with GOD, trusting Him and being submissive to His leading and guiding….MY FAMILY…I love juggling this family it’s really not that difficult for me until you throw in that I’m also in love with my JOB. I have a heart of gratitude towards God for the way he has blessed me in & through my job, I have no good reason to explain why it works or why I make money doing something I love so much…I have a heart of gratitude towards my family…My kids look at photos, ask questions, make comments and offer encouragement, they fend for themselves, wish me luck (I hope you win!) and are helpful to load and unload my equipment…My nieces and nephews appreciate the comfort zone of my house, eating from my giant jar of pretzels but are all business when I pull out the camera, my parents who think I’m some sort of rock star (which couldn’t be further from the truth) but I love knowing that I have two people fighting to be my #1 fan…..and my clients…so many beautiful faces….I have a huge heart of gratitude towards them. I’m thankful for new faces and faces that I’ve seen time and again.  I love hearing about how you became engaged, watching your mom lace up your wedding gown, holding your baby, talking to you about which college you’ll go to or the sports you’re involved in & watching your mom gush with pride over you,  discovering things we’ve got in common, the way you don’t laugh at me when I look so professional laying on the ground or standing on my ladder (aka ‘Tina’).  I’m thankful that you trust me with your memories, moments, experiences…… You capture my heart every single time and I’m grateful.

“There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart….pursue those”.  – Michael Nolan

Eliot – {Grand Rapids Newborn Photography}

So I had 5 newborns on the schedule for January and here is the last of them…..ta daaaaa!   I spent a couple of hours with this 6lb munchkin on Monday and per his mom he has been super sleepy every day, that is until the day I showed up.   Even though he was awake for most of our session we did get him settled and snoozy for a few.  He is so sweet and tiny and has the cutest little nose I’ve ever seen!!  I never get tired of working with and watching a couple handle their first baby , it’s so endearing to me.  Listening to them talk to or about their baby, how tenderly they handle their infant or how baffled they are when he does something different (like stay awake for 2 hours) & compare that to a family with their 3rd or 4th baby, well we have totally different story.  My oldest son, Spencer,  will be 17 next week and it seems like just yesterday that our dream of becoming parents came true….I remember those first days still so clearly.

And seriously, is there anything sweeter than a Dad that just can’t bring himself to cut off his hospital bracelet?   Baby love is the best!