While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about. ~Angela Schwindt
So fun to get to these photos just after Mother’s Day. I just love this family and the fact that I’ve been documenting their story from the start! I loved seeing the sweet faces of their little ones (could they look more like their Daddy?) and how great they’re all doing.
When I work with young kids like this, I love the things that get their attention…sticks, animals, water, little critter bugs that creep by. Could you move at a slower pace when you have to go or be somewhere, knowing that there is bound to be something that you’re going to want to stop and look at or do you just keep your eyes focused, never straying from the task at hand? My life is fast paced, I rush from here to there all day every day, but the minute I get to anything dealing with young children my inner switch flips and suddenly we are shifted into a slow mode….What a blessing this truly is to me to even realize. It’s a chance to breathe, walk slowly, look around, explore a little. I wonder how much of life we would miss if there were no children to force us to walk slower to keep up with their tiny steps, or the added weight of them on our hips, or for us to follow them because their demands or curiosity lead us to something we loved once as a child….the ripple of water when we throw a stone, walking off the path, chasing a firefly to keep in a jar on your nightstand, a fist full of lilacs, a double scoop of ice cream….
Have you enjoyed even a moment of your life today?
by Terri
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