Grand Rapids Newborn Photography| Sweet Savanna

Wikipedia:  a legacy is something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time.

My girlfriend gave me with this red chair 2 years ago.  I had noticed it in her garage many times and caught myself coveting it time and again. I knew it had belonged to her grandmother so I didn’t dare ask her for it.   But one day she told me she loved it but didn’t have a place for it so she was ready to find a new home for it and I was delighted to take it off of her hands.   Months ago she told me her sister was expecting a baby girl and wondered if I still had the chair…. Are you following me?…. Last week here sister brought her new baby to my studio (completely unaware of the chair or it’s whereabouts) and I opened the door in my studio to reveal where we would take photos of Savanna.  It was a sweet moment when she recognized it. When I laid the baby on the chair  I envisioned a young lady sitting in it unsuspecting that her great granddaughter, whom she would not meet in this life,  would one day lay here. A spot that is only significant because she had been here first….A new life is here; a legacy is born.

Danielle DeWitt - May 21, 2012 - 8:16 pm

These photos are beautiful. Brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes with that story. Thank you for sharing your talent with the rest of us. You are capturing the most precious moments for all of these families. God bless you!

Janelle Reyers - May 21, 2012 - 1:27 pm

What absolute joy this sweet little Savanna has alread brough to all of our lives! I am so proud of you baby sister and the love you have shared with all of your nieces and nephews over the years. Your time is here, blessings to you, Joe and sweet Savanna! Love, Love, Love Auntie Janelle

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